President’s Report December 2019

G’Day Club Members,

What a very different world we are in since our last newsletter and Club Meeting in March. I trust that everyone is safe and well, and coped as best possible with all of the COVID measures we all have had to adjust to.

It is with great enthusiasm that we can announce a gentle recommencement of Club Activities now that restrictions are easing. On Tuesday the 2nd of June we held our first face to face Committee Meeting to discuss how the relaxing of the COVID restrictions would allow us to recommence Club Activities and which activities would be compliant with the new and ever changing rules.

It was determined that due to the Social Distancing space required, a General Meeting in our Club Rooms on the first Tuesday of each month is still some time off, so for now we will have to wait for these to re-commence.

However we believe that following all of the required safe Social Distancing guidelines we can conduct a Club Run and at that run we could hand out our monthly newsletter and provide members with all relevant updates as required.

Our run activities and destinations will need to be carefully planned as attractions and facilities may still be restricted, but the Committee agreed the most important aspect of re-commencing Club Runs was to get your Holden out and to catch up with each other, the destination is just the excuse.

So it gives me great pleasure, on behalf of the Committee and with the great work of the Run CoOrdinating team, to invite all Club Members to our “First Back from ISO” Run on Sunday the 5th of July.

We will meet at the Club Rooms and drive to Willaura Bakery as our destination. The Bakery with be specially open for us to purchase lunch (feel free to pack your own if you like) and make sure to bring a chair.

As a note: As one of the Social Distancing measures we will stagger our departure from the Club Rooms in smaller groups to ensure we do not over-crowd the Bakery.

You are now on notice to finalise those ISO repairs and maintenance you may have been doing to your Holden and plan to join us on Sunday the 5th of July.

I look forward to see you at the Club Rooms.
