A reminder that our Monthly Club Meeting is always the First Tuesday of the Month.


At the Clubrooms Ballarat Airport All Visitors are most welcome


So see you tomorrow night at 7.30pm.




Additional Details:

Ballarat’s Airport runway extension is one step closer to completion, with drivers now able to access the Liberator Drive extension from the southern end of the runway, following the permanent closure to part of Airport Road.
Residents and airport users can access Liberator Drive via Link Road to the east, and Airport Road to the west of the airport.
Drivers should be alert to traffic management measures in place on the new section of the Liberator Drive extension until early March, when all associated roadworks are completed. The interim road will be upgraded as BWEZ further develops.
Once these extension upgrades are complete, Liberator Drive will provide residents and businesses with improved access between Ballarat and the Ballarat Airport, via the Ballarat West Employment Zone.
For more information on the works, visit https://bit.ly/4awp1Mg